Category: the beautiful
Frieze of Warriors and Horses
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Freeze of warriors and horses, found by Tsountas in the Megaron; beginning of L.H. III (1400-1300 B.C.): reconstructed drawing.
Date of Creation : 1920-1923 From a series consists of 42 water-colours and ink drawings of fresco fragments and recreations discovered during the Excavation at Mycenae in the years 1920 – 1923. The majority of these frescoes were found in the Ramp House and the Palace, and some may be parts of the frescoes initially discovered by Tsountas. |
source : BSA Mycenae Excavation Records |
Judy Pfaff
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Judy Pfaff | Fish Story, 2021 (details) steel, melted plastic, acrylic, paper lanterns, fluorescent and neon lighting | each 68” x 28” site |
Huang Gongwang 黃公望 [ 1269–1354 ]
Jing Hao 荆浩 [ c. 855-915 ]
Pi-fa-chi (Notes on Brush Method)
The six essentials for landscape painting, according to the sage, are :
氣 Ch’i (life breath): 韻 Yün (resonance and elegance): 思 Si (thought): 景 Jing (scenery): 筆 Bi (brushwork): 墨 Mo (ink wash): |
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Wintry Forests and Layered Banks Hanging scroll on silk, attributed to Dong Yuan 董源 [ c. 934 – 962 ] Kurokawa Foundation | Hyogo | Japan |
燕文貴 [ Yan Wengui ]
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中文:江山樓觀圖 [ Pavilions Among Mountains and Rivers ] | 燕文貴 [ Yan Wengui ] ca. 967-1044
Northern Sung Osaka, Municipal Museum | 31.9 cm (12.5 in) x 161.2 cm (63.4 in) | link |
Wang Hui
from the Hosami Collection – Kyoto
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Edo Period |
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Muromachi Period |
on Anaxaminder [ circa 570 BCE ]
Anaximander claimed that the cosmic order is not monarchic but geometric, and that this causes the equilibrium of the earth, which is lying in the centre of the universe. This is the projection on nature of a new political order and a new space organized around a centre which is the static point of the system in the society as in nature (1). In this space there is isonomy (equal rights) and all the forces are symmetrical and transferable. The decisions are now taken by the assembly of demos in the agora which is lying in the middle of the city (2).
1. C. Mosse (1984) La Grece archaique d’Homere a Eschyle. Edition du Seuil. p 235 |
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Peplos Kore | circa 530 BCE | Parian marble | height : 120 cm | Acropolis Museum Athens |
Gandhara – fragment
Ruins of Vijianuggur [Vijayanagara] near Calamapoor [Kamalapuram]
Edward Witten on the anthropic principle
What about new approaches to the fine-tuning problem such as the relaxion or “Nnaturalness”?
Unfortunately, it has been very hard to find a conventional natural explanation of the dark energy and hierarchy problems. Reluctantly, I think we have to take seriously the anthropic alternative, according to which we live in a universe that has a “landscape”of possibilities, which are realised in different regions of space or maybe in different portions of the quantum mechanical wavefunction, and we inevitably live where we can. I have no idea if this interpretation is correct, but it provides a yardstick against which to measure other proposals. Twenty years ago, I used to find the anthropic interpretation of the universe upsetting, in part because of the difficulty it might present in understanding physics. Over the years I have mellowed. I suppose I reluctantly came to accept that the universe was not created for our convenience in understanding it. |
a very good interview the full text of which can be found here |
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Calabi–Yau manifoldApplications in superstring theory Calabi–Yau manifolds are important in superstring theory. Essentially, Calabi–Yau manifolds are shapes that satisfy the requirement of space for the six “unseen” spatial dimensions of string theory, which may be smaller than our currently observable lengths as they have not yet been detected. A popular alternative known as large extra dimensions, which often occurs in braneworld models, is that the Calabi–Yau is large but we are confined to a small subset on which it intersects a D-brane. Further extensions into higher dimensions are currently being explored with additional ramifications for general relativity. In the most conventional superstring models, ten conjectural dimensions in string theory are supposed to come as four of which we are aware, carrying some kind of fibration with fiber dimension six. Compactification on Calabi–Yau n-folds are important because they leave some of the original supersymmetry unbroken. More precisely, in the absence of fluxes, compactification on a Calabi–Yau 3-fold (real dimension 6) leaves one quarter of the original supersymmetry unbroken if the holonomy is the full SU(3). More generally, a flux-free compactification on an n-manifold with holonomy SU(n) leaves 21−n of the original supersymmetry unbroken, corresponding to 26−n supercharges in a compactification of type II supergravity or 25−n supercharges in a compactification of type I. When fluxes are included the supersymmetry condition instead implies that the compactification manifold be a generalized Calabi–Yau, a notion introduced by Hitchin (2003). These models are known as flux compactifications. F-theory compactifications on various Calabi–Yau four-folds provide physicists with a method to find a large number of classical solutions in the so-called string theory landscape. Connected with each hole in the Calabi–Yau space is a group of low-energy string vibrational patterns. Since string theory states that our familiar elementary particles correspond to low-energy string vibrations, the presence of multiple holes causes the string patterns to fall into multiple groups, or families. Although the following statement has been simplified, it conveys the logic of the argument: if the Calabi–Yau has three holes, then three families of vibrational patterns and thus three families of particles will be observed experimentally. Logically, since strings vibrate through all the dimensions, the shape of the curled-up ones will affect their vibrations and thus the properties of the elementary particles observed. For example, Andrew Strominger and Edward Witten have shown that the masses of particles depend on the manner of the intersection of the various holes in a Calabi–Yau. In other words, the positions of the holes relative to one another and to the substance of the Calabi–Yau space was found by Strominger and Witten to affect the masses of particles in a certain way. This is true of all particle properties. |